Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Weaning and Baling

On September 6 Amy, Mom and I weaned the calves and gave them their booster vaccinations.  We weaned 8 baldie steers that will be sold through Pacesetter Beef, 6 baldie heifers that will be replacements for old cows in our herd, 4 Polled Hereford bulls I'll keep and try to sell in the spring, and 2 Polled Hereford heifers who will also be replacements.  Health and weaning weights were excellent, demonstrating the value of a little rain and the goodness of our cows.  The calves were so big I think the mothers were relieved to wean them, as the protest and noise were rather perfunctory this year.

On the 9th and 10th I cut and square baled the Gamblin Place Coastal, making almost 200 heavy bales.  They'll be handy this winter for feeding horses, calves and cows.  The baler I borrowed was a 2003 version of the New Holland baler we used in about 1981 (which might be the last time it was used), and almost identical technically.  It was fun and I like having the square bales.  I'm going to get ours running again.

Life is good.  Come down and help feed calves and tote bales.

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