Monday, October 14, 2013

Prodigious Poultry Production

The new hens have started laying eggs.  They're small but we're getting 6-7 a day and they'll get bigger as the hens continue growing.  They were laying them all over the place--4 a day in one favorite spot in the barn, one or 2 in the old garage, and one in the nest box Lawrence put in the coop for them.  So it was time to encourage them to use the nest boxes.

Lawrence and I started framing an addition to the coop to hold 3 nest boxes.  We spent 2 pleasant days cutting and drilling and measuring and re-cutting.  One day we actually had to take a break to allow the one hen who was using the nest boxes to lay her egg.  She fretted and squawked and complained so loud, we didn't feel like penalizing her for doing the right thing.  We also raised the roost to discourage sleeping in the nests--they seem to like to sleep in the highest possible spot.
It came out rather well, although we didn't get it caulked and painted before we had to leave for Manhattan and now it's raining.  The back is hinged and drops down to allow us to retrieve the eggs from outside.  I think I'll add some roofing metal to the top, to ensure the rain runs off and to keep them from trying to stand on top of it when they're outside (it's flat right where Lawrence has his left hand).  Next we have to leave them locked in for a day or two to get them laying in the nest boxes instead of the other locations.

Come down and see us, and we'll have steak and eggs.

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